Teachers of the Deaf/Hard of Hearing
Invision helps parents, families, and school systems understand hearing loss and its impact on the educational success of students. Direct instruction and consultative services to school systems are provided by our Certified Teachers of Deaf/Hard of Hearing Students. Our impartial support network helps schools make informed decisions and empowers them to provide the best possible academic program.
Educational Services:
- Provide direct instruction to meet academic, language and vocabulary, literacy, self-advocacy, and transition goals and needs
- IEP and 504 planning, specially designed services, accommodations, modifications, communication plans, and staff support
- Assertiveness and self-advocacy instruction
- Training to independently shop and access community places
Consultative Services:
- Education on hearing loss and its educational impact
- Amplification workshops – understanding hearing aids, cochlear implants, classroom FM systems, and integrated systems
- Understanding language and vocabulary development education for parents and school professionals
- Parent education and support
- Assessment and self-advocacy for students